The Swiss Society

We are a non-for-profit organisation that is entirely run by volunteers and funded through membership fees, bequests, gifts and proceeds from investing its corpus – which enables us to help those who are in need. Become a Member

Message from the president

In 2022, our former president Patrick Albert resigned, Susan Brealey was elected president and Sylvia Hochuli OAM was elected vice-president of the Swiss Society of Victoria (SSV). Susan has been involved in the Swiss community since 1997 and Sylvia since 1968. The SSV continues to: – support Swiss in need of some assistance, financially or otherwise, – to support events

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Mystery Trip

This year’s Mystery Trip / Fahrt ins Blaue was attended by over 100 members of our Victorian Swiss community. Sylvia and the ladies from the Trachtengruppe, after pickups in the city and Bundoora, took us to the historic homestead of Mont De Lancey.  We visited the estate, enjoyed some home made biscuits and explored the various buildings and traditional crafts on

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