On the 5th of May 2024, the Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruss Australian Swiss Cultural Society organised the yearly buffet lunch at the Swiss Club of Victoria for Swiss seniors and their friends / partners. The event was fully financed by the Trachtengruppe – incredibly generous – and attracted nearly 100 seniors. President Sylvia Hochuli OAM and 14 volunteers made this event possible. A big thank you goes to them. Everyone enjoyed seeing old friends, having a nice chat with them and relished delicious food, in particular scrumptious desserts. The room looked great with hand picked flowers everywhere. It was a joyous afternoon for everyone, with the Swiss Companion Singers singing numerous Swiss songs to which everybody could sing along and with many door prizes to be won. Our Swiss honorary Consul, Manuela Erb, handed out to every person present a limited edition box of Raspberries & Cream Lindt Lindor chocolate balls, a very generous donation of Lindt & Spruengli. The Swiss Society of Victoria, represented by their president Susan Brealey, thanked Sylvia Hochuli OAM and the 14 volunteers mainly from the Trachtengruppe for their time, efforts and generosity with some flowers. Our seniors will remember this afternoon for a long time.